Get Involved

You can engage with this ministry in various ways: through prayer, volunteering your time, or providing financial support. Your contribution, no matter which form it takes, is immensely valued. "as it is written: "Every joint supplies."
Support Us

This ministry, through the grace of YAH, is being constructed to achieve self-sufficiency and is personally funded by our president and servant of God. We want to caution you against any scams or individuals who may approach you for funds using the names: "RHO," "Repent Hub", "Repent Hub Outreach", "Repenth" or anyone else claiming to represent this ministry.

We want to emphasize that we do not directly or indirectly collect, raise, or request funds from anyone. However, if you strongly desire or voluntarily choose to support this ministry financially, whether through monthly contributions or a one-time gift, please reach out to us HERE.

We sincerely appreciate your willingness to support this divinely established platform/ministry. Rest assured, we consider this matter with utmost seriousness. May GOD, in His boundless mercy, continue to bless and enrich your life. Shalom!

Ambassador For CHRIST

Becoming an Ambassador for Christ: Steps to Embrace Your Role as Christ's Ambassador at "RH"

To serve as Christ's ambassador at "RH," there are several important steps to follow. First and foremost, you must acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This decision is pivotal in your journey as an ambassador. Furthermore, you should undergo baptism and experience a genuine rebirth, ensuring that it is done in the name of Jesus Christ.

In addition to these volunteer / personal commitments, it is essential to adhere to the compiled scriptural guidance provided by "RHO." These teachings serve as a compass, guiding you on your spiritual path. Embracing these teachings involves following all necessary spiritual guidance and being receptive to learning and implementing spiritual instructions provided by "Repent Hub." RHO will offer training and guidance, Click HERE to apply

Prayer Support

Let us emphasize the significance of your involvement in the prayer ministry during this journey. It is a calling that should not be taken lightly, for the fervent prayers of the faithful hold immense power in the kingdom of God.

Evangelist DG, our dedicated leader, is in need of our unwavering support through prayer as he continues to embark on his mission. He carries within him a divine calling and purpose that God has uniquely instilled, enabling him to be a vessel of God's love, grace, and truth to the nations.

Through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Evangelist DG has been commissioned to evangelize, reaching out to souls far and wide with the message of salvation. He has been entrusted with the authority to baptize those who come to know Christ, symbolizing their rebirth and entrance into the family of believers. Additionally, he has been given the divine gift of godly counsel, providing guidance, wisdom, and encouragement to those seeking spiritual direction.

However, as he shoulders this weighty responsibility, it is vital that we come alongside him in prayer, lifting him up daily before the throne of grace. Our collective prayers serve as a shield of protection, a source of strength, and a channel of divine favor for Evangelist DG and this ministry.

Let us faithfully intercede on his behalf, praying for an abundance of God's wisdom and discernment to flow through him. May his words be anointed by the Holy Spirit, penetrating the hearts and minds of those who hear him, drawing them closer to GOD. Pray for his physical and spiritual strength, that he may endure any challenges or opposition that may come his way.

Furthermore, let us pray that God's divine favor would rest upon Evangelist DG, opening doors for him to effectively share the gospel and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals. Pray for divine encounters, divine appointments, and divine connections, allowing ''RHO'' to expand and flourish beyond measure.

We urge you to make a commitment to lift Evangelist DG in prayer daily. Set aside dedicated moments to seek the Lord's guidance, protection, and blessings upon him. May our prayers be a fragrant offering, ascending to the heavens, and aligning our hearts with God's will.

Remember, as we faithfully intercede for Evangelist DG, we are not only supporting a leader in our community, but we are also participating in God's divine plan of redemption and transformation. Together, let us join forces and become a mighty force of prayer, impacting lives, and ushering in the kingdom of God. We are interested in knowing individuals who are praying for this ministry, as we intend to include you and your family in our prayers as well. Could you kindly provide us with your name? Please leave your name HERE

Thank you for your dedication, commitment, and faithful prayers. May GOD bless you abundantly as you intercede for our beloved leader, Evangelist DG.

In Christ's love,

Do You Know Someone....?

Are you affiliated with a church or are you familiar with a group of people who are seeking the opportunity to be baptized? We wholeheartedly extend an invitation to experience the sacred sacrament of baptism, free of charge, regardless of your geographical location anywhere on the globe. It is our sincere desire to ensure that this spiritual rite is accessible to everyone who wishes to partake.

We humbly request you to kindly share with us your name, along with any relevant details about your ministry or community. Additionally, please provide us with your location so that we may coordinate and facilitate the baptism process seamlessly. Rest assured that our dedicated team is committed to making this experience as meaningful and convenient as possible for you and your fellow believers.

At Repent Hub, we deeply value the significance of baptism as a symbol of spiritual rebirth and the outward expression of one's faith. It is a moment of profound significance, and we are honored to be able to offer this service to individuals and communities across the globe.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any further inquiries or to initiate the process of arranging your baptism. We eagerly look forward to the opportunity to share in this sacred journey with you and assist you in embracing this transformative experience.


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